Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The origins of timeshare in South Africa

The timeshare concept was initially developed during the mid 1960’s in Europe mainly in England and spread to the first developments being introduced in the United States in 1974. The concept of splitting a resort into 50 owners per unit (two weeks for maintenance per annum) spread to South Africa when the concept was “sold” by Brian Stocks to the Southern Sun group who introduced the first timeshare product being the Umhlanga Sands in 1982.

The Umhlanga Sands comprised 237 partially self contained units which went on the market for less thanR2500 out of season for a four sleeper unit up to R25000 for a six sleeper unit in the main in season weeks at the end of each December. The success of this first venture resulted in additional units being launched on a yearly basis by the Southern Sun group for example in 1983 the Beacon Island Plettenburg Bay, 1984 Cabana Beach Umhlanga 1985 Sabi, 1986 Pine Lake etc. From those early days numerous other parties have developed projects in South Africa to the point where fixed timeshare resorts now number in excess of 150. Worldwide over 5000 resorts have been developed with an inter woven network available through the exchange organizations RCI (Resort Condominiums International) and Interval International/Sunswop which allow owners to inter change between their own resort both nationally and internationally.

The question is often posed as to whether timeshare holidays offer good value for money or not? Whether one owns in high season or low season periods, it can categorically be stated that ownership affords good value and an excellent return on ones investment. Whilst the main criticism of timeshare today is the rising cost of levies, this must be related directly to the rising cost of hotel accommodation.

Whereas a levy thirty years ago in an out of season period for the week may have only been R270 and the cost of a hotel unit for a week for four persons was R2500. This in todays terms would be approximately R4000 for the levy with normal hotel accommodation in the same resort being approximately R12600. A further question often asked is, is timesharing a good investment? Whereas in out of season periods, ones capital growth is often almost negligible investment should be looked upon on the savings realized between the annual levy and the cost of standard hotel accommodation per annum. The situation however is somewhat different with regard to high season weeks where growth has been in some instances phenorminal with increases from original purchase of R25000 for a four sleeper unit now reaching the level of R140000 thirty years later. One should also of course bear in mind the savings realized during the interim period of use.

Should you be considering purchasing a timeshare unit and need advise on what to buy and where to buy, contact Quantum Sun where we will happily assist in any purchase you may be considering. May we suggest you contact us on our e-mail or telephone where we will be happy to discuss your future timeshare purchase. Also why not pass this information onto friends and acquaintances.

Why should I invest in timeshare in Umhlanga Durban

Umhlanga is situated 17kms north of Durban and is considered one of the top three holiday destinations in South Africa. It is easily accessed by road from Johannesburg being just over 5 hours away on the N3 freeway. Some of South Africa’s prime timeshare properties are situated in Umhlanga, these being the Cabana Beach, Umhlanga Sands Timeshare and the Breakers resort. Umhlanga has been transformed from being a sleepy village to being one of vibrant entertainment and over seventy restaurants in the immediate vicinity. These restaurants cater for every taste and cuisine. Also in the Umhlanga area is the Gateway shopping centre South Africa’s largest shopping mall, Ushaka Marine World the seventh largest aquarium in the world, the Moses Mabida Stadium with its sky car and bungey jumping which is also toted as being a possible future Olympic games venue. Umhlanga offers the family one of the most complete holidays one can find in South Africa with the variety of entertainment in the immediate vacinity coupled with golden safe beaches and food choices from fine dining to every franchise outlet one can name. Suncoast casino also offers 26 acres of entertainment heaven and one doesn’t have to be just a gambler to enjoy this with twelve restaurants and eight cinemas one of which boasts the largest screen in South Africa. Why not consider investing in a timeshare unit in the Umhlanga area. We at Quantum Sun can give you the best of advise on timeshare considered to be out of the top draw of the 150 plus timeshare resorts on offer throughout the country. Also remember that Umhlanga is a twelve month of the year holiday resort where the sea temperature in mid-winter is higher than local swimming pools. Mid-winter also offers warm dry conditions with cloudless sunny days and leisurely sun tanning on the beach. In fact the Durban area has coined the phrase “the warmest place to be”.

Contact us on our website or ring 031-5614951 and we will be happy to assist you with all your timeshare queries. Why not share this article with others if you are not interested in securing your own annual holiday in the sun.

Timeshare points explained
We are often contacted and asked how can we use our timeshare points? Well this often depends on what timeshare points you have accumulated. Should you belong to a timeshare resort affiliated to one of the timeshare exchange organizations such as RCI (Resort Condominiums International) or Interval International/Sunswop, your unit that you own with the resort has a certain number of points allocated to it depending on the size of the unit and the time of the year or week in which it is situated in. Obviously points accruing to you should you decide to space bank your unit will be more if your unit is in a high season as apposed to a unit in an out of season week. Also the number of points that you will accrue depends on the size of the unit which you own. There are other points that are allocated for timeshare in South Africa, these being for ownership in holiday clubs.

If you are approached to purchase points in a holiday club, one should always ask questions such as what happens if I wish to dispose of these points in the future,  and how easy will it be to obtain a holiday in a school holiday season. If the answers are vague and cannot be substantiated by hard facts, one should seriously consider an alternative such as a purchase in a timeshare project offering ownership of a particular unit in a particular week which you can see, feel and appreciate the view from and most importantly which you see yourself using each year.

Points can be accrued for a period of current year + two years and enable you through the reputable exchange organizations mentioned above to exchange through the 150 plus timeshare affiliated resorts in South Africa and up to 5000 plus resorts world wide. Obviously there are exchange fees involved with exchanges in South Africa costing between R350 and R1000 whereas overseas exchanges using your points may cost you up to R3000. These exchanges however will often prove to be just a small percentage of the normal cost of a holiday should you not be benefiting from the value of the points you have accrued by banking your unit with the exchange organizations.

Should you wish to find out more about exchanges and the versatility of timeshare in South Africa and overseas, contact Quantum Sun by visiting our website www.quantumsun.co.za or phone us on 031-5614951 and we will be only too happy to tell you more about what a wonderful world timeshare points opens up for you. If you have found this article to be useful and helpful please pass it onto your friends and acquaintances.